Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Last night's "big win".

Celebration time! The Jazz hung in there to pull of an ugly win against the Bucks last night. The Jazz are perfect at home, back to .500 and everything is great. Right?

Well, maybe. The Jazz did overcome a lot of adversity to pull off the win. Devin Harris and Josh Howard both checked out early due to minor injuries, and Paul Millsap hyperextended his knee. They didn't shoot the ball very well and threw the ball away quite a bit. Fortunately, the Bucks were absolutely horrible, missing more than 60(!) shots. In short, it looked like a game between two teams that had both played the night before, which is exactly what it was. The Jazz kept it together and rebuilt a double-digit lead after letting the Bucks get within a bucket during the third quarter, which showed some encouraging mental toughness.

Ty Corbin's coaching was also encouraging. He's doing a great job finding minutes for everybody; even Tinsley got some PT for a change. Sloan's substitution pattern was pretty mechanical, and Coach Corbin is proving he's not afraid to mix things up. He doesn't have a lot of time to practice because of the compressed schedule, so he's finding ways to get the young guys on the court to see what they can do. If he can keep it up and the Jazz hover around .500 all season, things will only get better.

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