Sunday, January 1, 2012

Perfect Storm

I'm a Jazz fan in exile. I'm from Southeast Idaho (aka Northwest Utah) but haven't lived there for ten years. But I still love the Jazz and follow them as closely as I can, much to my wife's chagrin. I watch or listen to Jazz broadcasts and read the coverage in the SLC papers.I also read Salt City Hoops, an excellent Jazz blog on ESPN's TrueHoop network.

With all the great Jazz coverage out there, why bother starting a new blog? I think it's a combination of a lot of things. First, I'm away from home on an extended business trip and have a little more free time than I am used to. Second, I've been dying to see how the Jazz would do after the big trade from last season and this year's draft, and the lockout-delayed season has made me intensely curious about this group of guys. Finally, I've been enjoying the free preview of League Pass, and have been developing some (surprisingly) strong opinions about the team this season.

So Happy New Year and welcome to the Jazz Exile Zone.

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